Become a Sponsor
Dear Friend & Community Partner,
Today, across the globe, an estimated 50 million people are living in modern day slavery—men, women, and children who've been forced, coerced, or tricked into sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or some other form of human trafficking.
It not only happens in other countries but also in the United States—AND even here in Northwest Arkansas.
As a Hub of HOPE Corporate Sponsor, YOU can help victims of human trafficking get to safety and build a stable life on the other side.
Your sponsorship gives victims practical help with things like safe shelter, food, clothing, education, life skills, support groups and so much more!
Will you consider becoming a sponsor of Hub of HOPE’s community events in 2024? Life transformation for victims and survivors is simply not possible without YOU!
Thank you for believing with us that HOPE is possible!
Become a Sponsor
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