An Informed Community is Powerful
We are passionate about sharing insight and education on the nature of human trafficking to increase situational understanding, reduce stigmatization of victims, and empower communities to effectively take action against trafficking in their regions.
Parents Against Child Trafficking
Faithfully and fervently promoting the safety of our children. Actively defending our children from the advances of traffickers and other predators.
When you make a PACT, you agree to uphold these 6 commitments: Educate children about human trafficking. Talk to children about the tactics of child predators. Teach children about appropriate boundaries in relationships. Invest in children, their activities and their friends. Invite children to join forces against the trafficking of children. Show children the difference between real love and empty love. A PACT is a long term dedication to child safety and to eliminating the possibility that child traffickers and other predators have access to our children. It is an agreement signed between a mother and a father or among groups of parents, foster parents, teachers, coaches or other adults that oversee the activities of children.
This training is perfect for parents or other adults who have influence over minors to learn more about tactics of child predators, what to watch for, the importance of building strong relationships, real love vs empty love, and how to talk to your child about human trafficking and exploitation.
This training is perfect for parents or other adults who have influence over minors to learn more about contributing factors to human trafficking in minors, signs it’s time to investigate, social media and apps, and online safety strategies.
Human Trafficking Awareness
Learning the core causes of human trafficking and exploitation provides communities with an opportunity to address these injustices.
Our team is ready and willing to create a training specific to your needs. We are available to lead discussions concerning human trafficking with your business, civic group, neighborhood, office, club, etc.
This training includes much of the content from our human trafficking 101 training with special emphasis on markers and identifiers, barriers to self identifying, victim centered approach, assessment and reporting in a medical setting. We recommend at least one hour for this training but we can tailor it to meet the needs of the host medical location.
This training includes much of the content from our human trafficking 101 training with special emphasis on markers and identifiers, tactics of traffickers and online solicitation specific to minors. We recommend at least one hour for this training but we can tailor it to meet the needs of the host school location.
This training includes much of the content from our human trafficking 101 training with special emphasis on markers and identifiers specific to hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, and vacation rentals. We recommend at least one hour for this training but we can tailor it to meet the needs of the host business location.
The Human Trafficking Awareness Training is offered twice a year. We cover the definition of human trafficking, tactics of traffickers, markers and identifiers, the demand for trafficking, trauma and the brain, and how to recognize and respond. This training is scheduled for 6 hours. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are provided.