Live to lean in.

Our Mission
Healing and Opportunities for victims of human trafficking. Prevention and Education for communities.
Our Vision
A community mobilized to improve the response to victims of human trafficking. Survivors thriving in a life free from exploitation.
Our Staff

Our Story
Jenny Sorey founded Hub of HOPE in 2017. Before starting the nonprofit, Jenny served the vulnerable and oppressed through the work of various organizations both internationally and domestically. After hearing the words "modern day slavery" and "human trafficking" for the first time in 2011, Jenny realized that most of the individuals she had worked with throughout her life had been those most vulnerable to it.
From 2011-2014, Jenny spent time researching and learning about human trafficking. She connected and volunteered with agencies responding to the issue both internationally and domestically. When her focus was drawn to her local community, she realized that many individuals and agencies working with high risk populations did not have an understanding of what human trafficking was, nor did they recognize that they were most likely working with victims of human trafficking.
In the years of 2014-2016, a Northwest Arkansas coalition was started. An invitation was sent out to community members, government officials, law enforcement and nonprofit agencies. For those two years, the coalition met once a month to discuss the issue of human trafficking, how a community should respond, and how to collaborate in an effort to meet the victims' needs. By the end of 2016, it was evident that a nonprofit focused solely on raising awareness of human trafficking and assisting survivors was needed. Hub of HOPE was born and became a 501c3 in January of 2017.
From 2017-2019, Hub of HOPE functioned as an all volunteer, remotely operating team. The coalition continued to bring together existing agencies and organizations for collaboration and the volunteer team continued training community members and responding as a support network for victims as they were identified. It became evident that a space to center this work was needed and a building was acquired in 2019.
In 2020, Hub of HOPE hired its first two staff members adding a third in 2021. Developing a strategic plan in 2020, Hub of HOPE Board of Directors and staff began a focus on Volunteerism, Outreach and Awareness, and Health and Growth. In 2022, Hub of HOPE has had the opportunity to continue its mission and is expanding its physical location to include a Day Center to meet with clients for group sessions, therapeutic art experiences, cooking classes, and a place to rest and do laundry.
Hub of HOPE currently has four staff positions, Executive Director, Program Manager, Program Advocate, and Business Coordinator. The desired staff positions to meet the growth at Hub of HOPE could include adding a Director of Victim Services, a Director of Education & Awareness, a Program Coach/Therapist, Administrative Assistant, and a Development Director.
Hub of HOPE also recognizes the great need for safer residential programs for victims of trafficking to heal and gain skills from the trauma of their lived experiences. The development of a 2 year residential program remains a goal for the future of Hub of HOPE.
Questions & Answers
Yes. We hold the privacy of survivors at high regard. All team members and volunteers are required to sign a Confidentiality Policy. We do not use real names or photos of survivors in our public communications. All clients are assigned a number for their case management portfolio.
Yes. We believe that collaboration is the key to providing the best support for victims in their healing journey. We have signed MOU’s (Memorandum of Understanding) with numerous organizations. We also offer clients the opportunity to sign an ROI (Release of Information) agreement which allows us to work cooperatively with the agencies they request.
Our staff and volunteers are caring community members working in a setting with individuals who have experienced trauma. Knowing this, it is important that we offer a safe physical working environment, support from other team members when working with clients, on-going training in trauma-informed services, input concerning protocol and procedures, and encourage mental health days and self care.